
icky sicky

Monday morning:
Wake up at 5:30 am.
Realize that, hey, I am SICK. Leave a not for mom: DO NOT WAKE ME, I'M SICK, I'M STAYING HOME!
Go back to sleep.
Wake up at 8:30 am.
Go to restroom.
SCREAM BLOODY MURDER when someone else is in the bathroom.
Realize that Chance is "sick" too and my day in Nyquil bliss is ruined.
Go to kitchen.
SCREAM BLOODY MURDER when I hear a crash from the fridge.
Realize that Joey's "sick" and my day of playing my jazz in a hallucinogenic haze is ruined.
Go to bathroom again. Ask Chance to get out.
SCREAM BLOODY MURDER when my mother answers.
Realize that Mom's "sick" and my day of laying in her big, warm, comfy bed is ruined.

Tuesday: repeat.

Wednesday: Go to school. Get too much homework.
Procrastinate when I get home.
Realize that watching ANTM is out of the question, since I have so much homework.

So. That's been my week so far.

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