
babysitting someone i actually liked

So last night, just as I was sitting down to watch the previous night's ER and Ugly Betty, Standi called and said, "PleaseDearGodInHeavenTellMeYouCanBabysit." So an half an hour later, I was at Standi's, watching that insane daughter of hers.

No joke. She'd be sitting quietly, entranced by Peter Pan one minute, and the next she'd start screaming and jumping up and down on the couch, throwing the nightgown her parents left out at me. It was like watching a one-girl circus. And that child can EAT! Two bowls of pasta, one ice pop, and two packages of gummy worms, all while watching HALF of the Little Mermaid. And when she finished eating, she made me put in Finding Nemo. Luckily, that's pretty much all we did, but I guess the whole going-psycho-every-other-minute wiped her out, because she was out by 10.

I wish I could have said the same about her parents. They said they'd be back be ten, and they were. They just didn't make it inside the house until 11:30. I'll leave you to sit with that.

But I got paid $30, and I escaped the boredom of spending Friday nights alone without a car.

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