
yeah i want cheesy poofs!

There was like, some kind of South Park marathon on last night. As much as it pains me to admit it, I sat and watched. For a while.

Every weekend seems to be the same. On Friday, I come home with tons of homework, but say, "Oh, well, I deserve ONE night of no work and relaxation." And then the rest of the weekend is all me feeling guilty for not doing my work, and then rushing to get it done by Monday on Sunday night.

Yesterday I woke up, full of good intentions. "I WILL DO MY WORK," I said to my fish. At the time I thought I imagined it, but I'm pretty sure he smirked at me. "I WILL FINISH EVERYTHING TODAY AND RELAX TOMORROW," I said to the television before turning it off. "I WILL DO ONLY MY HOMEWORK," I said to the boxes waiting for me to put books and cds in them, as we are moving within a month and it'd probably be a good idea to start packing. "Sorry Chance, but I've got to work today, no time for play," I said to my little brother. "Screw it," I said to the television, as I turned it back on and watched While You Were Sleeping for the 80th time. "I should probably pack at least a little bit up," I said to the boxes as I moved to put up my books, cd cases, and the movies I don't watch all that much. Then I played with Chance for the rest of the day, until I had every intention of going to bed, but got hooked on South Park.

Oh, to my good friend Gracie: Hope you had a fantasmigorical time in NEW YORK, you whore. You deserve it. But you better have taken tons of pictures, or I think I might just stab you in the face. :-)

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