
whitewater and school and all that jazz

So yesterday we went to Whitewater. Much fun. I didn't really do anything but swim in the little river that goes around the park. I'm just surprised I'm not more sunburnt. But it was nice family fun, so I'm not complaining.

But the annual trip-to-some-theme-park always means one thing: summer's ending. School starts back Thursday (that's TWO days!!) and I'm pissed. I really and truly hate school. I like learning, don't get me wrong. But school isn't for learning. School is for babysitting. I can learn by watching television. Or something. Don't get me wrong, some people really need school. Like, really. "There apertmint was really sweet." That kinda thing. But Usually, I don't think I fall into that category.

And Standi wants me to babysit...for free! How retarded is that? I was promised money WEEKS ago, and now I'm not getting paid. Screw that.

Tomorrow's my doctor's appointment. Hopefully, they'll find out what's WRONG WITH ME. I'm really starting to get kinda scared, here.

Well, I hope I have fun going back and rereading this over and over, since I'm the only one reading it these days. Yay.


Simone said...

damn you start school wayyyy too early. Back in my day we didn't start until end of Aug/beg of Sept. Oh how times have changed.

Good luck w/ your Dr

C.K. said...

that is such a lie

i read your blog, and obviously simone does too