
how's that for pinocchio?

My mom was telling dirty jokes this weekend about Pinocchio, but she wouldn't let me hear them. Like I don't know what they were all about.

First period seems to be my humiliation class. I thought I could actually win, but instead, my votes (I use the term lightly, since there weren't many) got ripped up and the other two girls tied, causing me to revote for someone else. And so that was depressing.

Yeah, you're a big man, sitting in the back with your 8 rolls of fat and fake teeth, laughing at the girl who, even though she's bigger than the other two, is a third of your size. Emphasis on BIG.

I have a feeling I'm going to be crabby and dragging until I find out what's wrong with me.

Well, that's gonna suck.

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