

when the two girls came in sobbing, i thought there had been a fight. then more came in. we decided to leave. jessica got stopped by someone and hugged them because they were crying. as i was walking away, i heard her say, "he's dead?"

mr. head askede me to get the kleenex from his desk. there were only a few. i remember thinking that that wasn't going to hold up. i didn't even know him, and i knew his name. everyone was sobbing by the time i left.

the sick thing is, to some, it's about the person. but to others, it's about gossip. it's the newest piece of information that the school can share. it spread like wildfire. everyone knew that the guy we all knew for at least three years was dead.


it's wrong. he was my age. my mom was going to give me money to donate to his parents when we heard he was in the hospital. the doctors said he was getting better.

mr head took on the role of important counselor. comforting everybody. ms. davis kept the library guarded. even teachers were crying.

i guess it doesnt matte that we didn't go to state. all that matters is that when we went to pick up chance, i saw a mom walking her son to the car, and i thought, "i bet his mother did that for him." and i cried. it's just so sad. everything nowadays is just so, so sad.


Jen said...

When I was a junior in highschool we lost a classmate.
It will always remain with me. It changed me as a person.
I'm very sorry for your loss. I know too well what you mean about some it is the person, some it is the gossip.
I'll never forget my friend Byron. I wonder what he would have been had he have been given the chance to become a man.
This will change your entire class, let it. Let people that you wouldn't normally let in in.
I'm very very sorry...:(

C.K. said...
