
my paradisian weekend (i think i made that word up, but i'm not entirely sure)

anyway. i was just about to get in the shower, when i realized that i haven't gotten online since thursday night. i think. whatever.

my weekend was almost entirely pure bliss. it started friday night when joey and his friends felt they could actually hang out with me for once. that was fun. then, they moved the trampoline to the front of the yard. this was the best part. when it started to turn dark, i went out there with a blanket, a frank sinatra cd, and binoculars, laid out on the trampoline, and looked at the moon. living as close to the city as we do, i couldn't see the stars at first. i waited until i saw some. first i saw one, right next to the moon. then, it seemed like more and more just popped up when i wasn't looking. i drifted in and out of sleep on the trampoline, until i woke up and saw a billion stars. then i went inside to go to bed, and slept peacefully until morning.

the rest of the weekend until now has just been me reading or playing video games or watching snippets of movies while reading. i listened to all three of the simon and garfunkel cds in this house, and some zepplin. i feel that at this point in my life, i can catch up on music. i've been listening to classic rock lately. and kind of experimenting with the radio, playing some christian rock, spanish music, and even a little am. it was all very fun.

the only thing that stopped it from being blissful was something i can't put here. i will discuss it with some people, but not here. not for the whole entire world to see.

i think i'll be taking a break from listening to music. it's all just kind of grating on me now. like if you listen to the same sound over and over again, you just can't stand it anymore.

anyway, i hope your weekend was as good as mine, if not more so.

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