

this week has been hectic. and exhausting. i feel like i could sleep for days. but every morning, i wake up at 6:00, no matter what time i go to sleep. even if i stay up until 2:00, my body won't let me sleep in. it's so annoying.

ah, but it's been nothing but standardized testing this week at school. i don't mind it, it's just that it's so boring. and really, who cares? just because GA's ranked number 50 in education, doesn't mean anything. it just means we care more about our flag being racist, that's all. oh, and don't forget the atlanta falcons. cause they have a shot at winning, they sure do...

tuesday night, i big thing happened. divorce was mentioned. i spent all of wednesday trying not to cry. now i just don't think about it anymore. is that bad? i hope not.

and today was state media festival friday. and it was a good day. i laughed and had fun with my friends. i actually had a better time at school than i've had in a while.

now, if you'll excuse me, i'm tired. i think i might just go to sleep. or watch a movie. something that doesn't require my brain. i'll post when i found out the media festival results. adios.

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