

the only paragraph here not pertaining to the aforementioned subject will be this: yesterday i hung out at gracie's while we watched the dane cook dvd (and were disappointed when he repeated his material, but it's understandable). i laughed a lot, and it was fun. either way, to the subject....

i love my parents. but looking back, i know they weren't the best. i remember going to the drive thru liquor store and then the next morning hearing my mom throw up. i didnt know they were connected then. i even remember the lady at the store's name and the fact that she had abnormally long fingernails that scared the daylights out of me. now that i'm older, i've learned to process moods from her. if she wakes up and comes upstairs without her glasses, its going to be a bad day. if you wake her up, it'll be worse. if she snaps at you, it would be a good day if you didn't get mad at her for the asinine thing that she judged. when she comes upstairs and reads her book, it'll be an okay day, and you'll feel sorry for her when she wants to clean the perpetually unclean house and try to help. but she won't let you, and you ticked her off, and you have to worry about her nerves....

my dad. i love him too. he seems to be attracted to the wrong type of woman, but that's beside the point. i remember his temper. he keeps it in check mostly. i remember one time chris not wanting to take in the groceries, and him throwing a clay vase at his head, and we weren't allowed to clean it up. we had to walk back and forth carrying groceries inside trying not to step on it. but my dad is smart. he's funny. he's a know it all, and is constantly getting on everybody's nerves trying to prove he does, in fact, know it all.

i know people have it worse than me. but i also know that some have better. i hate that i have to constantly walk on my toes to keep from getting on their nerves. that's why i like jennifer's blog so much. she's like the perfect mother. my parents have their strong point, like the fact that they both can't stand maroon 5 or newlyweds. but i often think that they are the type of people who shouldn't have had children. between one child that hates them, one that avoids them, one that blames everything on them, and one that's not quite sure what to make of them, i might be right on that. which is pretty depressing, because it makes me think that i should never have been born. and im not sure what to make of that.

sorry about the long posts lately. a lot's been going on, apparently. i will try to keep you posted, but if i dont, good luck, and godspeed.


Simone said...

sorry your parents aren't all that. i didn't get the best set either. unfortunately we can't pick our parents. but we can learn from their mistakes and do better as we have our own kids. At least I hope so!

Simone said...

I also think that despite all these obstacles you are really coming out ahead in life and are so self motivated. You go girl!

Jen said...

I'm really sorry that you have those memories in your head.
I do believe that you are so much stronger for what you go through in life though. Just sucks along the way.
Listen, I'm always here. You know my email. Email me if you need to talk about anything. I promise I'll always answer!

hillary said...

thank you. both of you. you have no idea how much that means to me.