
still too much poker

my throat hurts so bad. i can't breathe right, it's sore, and worst of all, i haven't been able to sing anything for the past 3 days. now that is horrible. those of you who know me, know that i really don't like to not sing. if i had to have my arm amputated but still could sing, i would be fine with it. so that bites.

on a good note, i taught chance how to play texas hold'em. he sucks at it, but that's why i taught him, so he can get better. i didn't actually play a hand though, and that's disappointing. mom and dad had to watch the stupid butterfly effect movie. i've heard it's good, but i can't help not wanting to see it. if you had been let down by ashton kutcher in as many movies as you should have been, then you would not want to see it either. anyway. i watched the world series of poker last night. some british newcomer, who's 24, won the first round. but the announcer, who i assume is going through a midlife crisis, wouldn't stop picking on him for being 24. and that bugged me. the people at the poker thing let him play, and he's at the final table, so obviously, he's good enough to play and NOT be picked on.

some people, i am forced to scorn...


Simone said...

I watched Celebrity Poker all day on Monday. Its addicting. I tried to watch the World Series also but the celebrities were just a little more lively and less obnoxious than some of those 'high end' poker players. Great game though!

hillary said...

i watched that too! it's so addictive. did you see the championship? i was so happy when that person (i won't spoil it if you didn't) won! i'm trying to learn to play better, so i did want to catch texas hold'em, but i couldn't bring myself to watch 7 card stud. that was just too much to ask...

are you watching the one with dave navarro thursday?

C.K. said...

that's cool. i taught my younger sisters how to play. funny, but maggie ended up wining. i was, um, *last*
katie kept whining that maggie was cheating, but whatever. and we played with beads. and they fought over the colors! but it was still fun. then mom told us to go to bed, but we were like "it's only midnight!" and mom was like "yes, but tomorrow, i mean today, is the 4th of july and its a holiday so go to bed"
and we didn't, until around an hour later.

hillary said...

really? i didnt think you absorbed anything when i tried to teach you and gracias. that's cool. or did you play regular poker? oh, and HA! you lost to your little sisters playing with beads! i laugh maniacally!


C.K. said...

i didn't absorb anything... well, some stuff.
i got it off a website. and it was texes hold 'em
or so the site says