
oh, the horror

have you ever been so bored you didn't know what to do? well, that was not me today. you see, i had decided that my parents' book shelf was in dire need of reorganizing. there are books everywhere in that nasty room that has their books along with candy machines (my dad sets those up all over georgia). so i cleaned that up, and then cleaned the computer room which at one point was a pantry up. i did all of the clothes and cleaned the upstairs bathroom. i wiped off the counter tops, did my brothers' chores. all of this, because i was bored. but hey, i got $5 for my efforts. mom is just nice like that...

OH GOD, NOOOOO! somehow, "love is in the air" got put onto my playlist. oh, the horror. why, God, why?!? luckily, i turned it to the macarana. such a funny song...

i am just killing time until wednesday, when me, gracie, and kaby are going to the best pizza place ever, Partner's Pizza. and where we will also go to see the dollar movie. and it will be fun, and there will be moo points, and golf cart riding, and i'm so happy just thinking about it.

on a more serious (sorta) note, i could not force myself to watch celebrity poker last night. i mean, good grief. that one guy, Penn I think, just wouldn't shutup. i wanted to strangle him for the 2 minutes i actually watched. but alas, he hath spoilt it.

MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: Wayne's World. i mean, you just can't get much better. "if she were a president, she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln." mike myers, dana carvey, some asian looking girl, the guy that plays al bundy... you just can't go wrong.

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