

According to my (stoner) friends, today is National Weed Day. I'm sure it's not like, officialy or anything. Probably more like national weed day. It's also the SHS prom, which is slightly funny. And it's the day that Simone finally told us about her new little baby monkey (or little golden pig)! Very exciting. I was like, holding my breath this entire week. It's so wonderful.

Watched ANTM and couldn't decide who I really hated: "Britt", "Brown", or Jael.
Britt: I've NEVER seen this show before and didn't know that I had to act after studying a script for two hours and didn't even think my short term memory loss (which I'm glad I kept mentioning because it saved my ass with that human interest story).
Brown: That's cool, that's cool. Nuff said.
Jael: When she talks, it sounds like this: Niflsddfkbnnakd;;lkasdjf??asdf?kkoboideekdlbse. Even captions don't help.

Thank goodness that girl got sent home.

Today was pretty fun. Guillotines rock.

Hopefully tomorrow I get to meet Kirstie's significant other, Joe. That'd be pretty neat, considering EVERYBODY else has met him.

Oh I am sooo tired. Nighty night.

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