
May Eve

is a very important holiday. So I felt I should have the day off from school.

Eh. I'm here, but I actually feel really sick. Kinda sucks. Planning on doing homework I've meant to do all weekend. Is it weird to be scared of homework? I think I'm just scared because I don't understand it. Not knowing something? Unusual for me. I probably should have gone to school and learned how to do this, but whatever. I've got this gnawing feeling in my stomach because of this severe procrastination. I should probably get on that.

I dyed my hair yesterday. Very reddish. Eh. It's okay. Not what I was picturing.

Applied for a job at WalMart. Ew. But money? Sure.

Didn't babysit Saturday. Whatever.

FINALLY found Bridget Jones' Diary at Goodwill. Not like I was going to buy that book new. Accidentally got the sequel a few months ago, so I've been looking for the first one. It's okay so far.

I'm bored. I'll go...do homework. Because that'll make me feel better. And if I finish the ginormous buttload that I have, I'll finish reading my book. Nice.

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