

So the VA Tech students. I pray for them.

Sophie Monkey, welcome to the world, you beautiful child, you. Looks like Friday the 13th will be your lucky day!

I feel reasonably sad, though. Like I'm going to lose one of my best friends. And I know I shouldn't feel that way. I know I'll still see her. But just sitting here, thinking about it. I mean, how often do we really hang out. Or even just talk on the phone? And that's not only because we see eachother everyday. It's because she has a life. And right now I can't help but think about how me and other people will factor into that. And I know I won't be able to sleep now. I have the same feeling I had when I found out I was going to Dutchtown. Granted, I have that feeling every year until I know I'm going to Stockbridge (which I still don't, by the way). And yeah, I'll admit, a part of me is a little angry at her (sorry) because it doesn't seem like she's fighting, but I know that it's for the best, so it makes me feel slightly ashamed. Or very ashamed. Both. And I'm angry at the schools, because they're douchebags. And SHS might lose its accredation, so I guess I'm also a little bit jealous.

It's basically like this: those dreams I had of my friends leaving me? They were all her (K). All of them. So I knew it was going to happen, but I was kind of denying it to myself. And it's so terrifying.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad, K. Just trying to sort through myself.

(Who will I lose PaperScissorsRock to?)
(We better still hang out next year, or I'm kicking your ass).
(I know where you live, so don't doubt it, either).


C.K. said...

You do know where I live, if we weren't going to hang out, I would be afraid for my life.

I feel a little sad too (a lot). Especially when you said the part about the dreams. My dreams are never that... pertaining to real life.

I also feel that now that we're older, it makes this easier than the dutchtown situation. You can drive, and might have a car, I have a cell phone with free weekends, and there will be so many oppertunities to get together, I pray. Mom tells me that she will be as open as possible to give rides and everything so we can still hang out. She understands how important our friendship is. And there's still the square state, too.

Do you feel a tiny bit better, H.?

hillary said...

just a little.

the driving thing will probably help. (can you get your learner's, by the way?)