
moving, weekend two

ACH! My arms are KILLING me. Me and Kirstie moved stuff to that house all frikkin yesterday. Did my brothers help? NOT OFTEN ENOUGH TO KEEP MY ARMS FROM DYING, THAT'S FOR SURE.

Ah, but I'm complaining. Too bad Kirstie's not here, or she'd slap me.

I'm gonna have to miss school tomorrow, because I haven't had any time to do any of my homework. It's horrible.

Thank God Kirstie came over and helped, though. Among other things, I realized that moving is pretty boring business. I'm glad someone was there to keep me company. And she spent the night in my lonely old room, which made me feel...safer, I guess.

So today's portion, though mainly Joey and his big strong sexy man friends job, is to move the furniture. Which is good, because I realized that I couldn't unpack ANYTHING last night, because it all went on some kind of furniture. So I just cleared a path in my room and walked on home.

Boy, am I tired.

Oh, and sometime yesterday we went to the Mexican restaurant that I LOVE (which I can never go to again because of this following story): Last time we went, this freaky waiter..waited on us. He wouldn't stop talking. Now, I'm a big fan of engaging people in conversation, but I know everyone looked like they wanted him to, you know, go and put our food order in. Anyway, yesterday, the same waiter waited on us. And the worst part is, he recognized us. And he was flirting with me, for some unGodly reason. Ick. That guy didn't even look okay, alright. Just...ew.

So that's the story of how I will never have FANTASTIC Mexican food ever again. :-(

1 comment:

C.K. said...

lo siento... and they don't have a to-go service like applebees or whatever?
maybe he'll quit eventually...
especially sucks that's he's not all sexy and everything.