
ha. i'm awesome

yeah. That's right. I inspire awe.

So yesterday I went to Glamour Shots in Douglassville and got a bunch of pretty pictures taken. Then we went to Up the Creek, and I ate free seafood and a smores dessert (I'm in love with marshmallows). All my parents have gotten me is a book, but that's okay. I actually was kinda not expecting it, so that was nice. I also got a phone number (yeah. Seriously. I threw it away because, um, no, but still...that's pretty nifty right there).

We've got all of the movies set up over here now, which is a relief. Now I just have to unpack the books and everything that goes in the living room and basement.


Anyway, it was a VERY good sweet sixteen.
Love all you people who wished me a happy birthday (and those that didn't).

Wish me luck for tomorrow...even though I still don't know how to PARK.


Simone said...

Glamour Shots? Like as in Napoleon Dynamite Glamour Shots? I got those waaaaay back when. They put so much makeup on me I felt like a clown leaving the mall.

You should upload them. Just for the hell of it.

hillary said...

Yeah. Like ND glamour shots. no joke.

I wish I could (ahem), but I've never been able to upload pictures seeing as how I don't know how.