
it's the same old story

So. This week's been...crazy.

Wednesday I skipped to work on my English "project." I didn't finish, but I made a lot of headway. About the time I would have gotten out of school, it started snowing. It was crazy awesome, but it melted before school on Thursday, so we had to go. Lame. I got saddled with a bunch of makeup work which I still haven't done yet.

Friday, I went to school, but we left by 9:00 for the Beta Club Convention in Atlanta. It was exciting, just being there. None of my crowd actually went to the convention, though, so I was a little stranded most of the time. I was fine by myself. I can be a solitary person. I just don't like to know I'm totally alone. There's that difference there.

I participated in the Creative Writing competition. Something about a man who didn't wear matching socks. I know I didn't win because the topic threw me and I just wrote a bunch of crap. Ah, well. The session was fun. Clint told the most hilarious story ever..."The metal was bent, and it looked like a heart, except it was upside down. So it's like it was saying, 'I love you, Clint, but not really.'" I stayed a while in Kelsie's room, then went back up to my own. Barely slept that night since my roommates were so incredibly loud. Ugh.

Then Saturday morning it started to snow, and the superintedent called to cancel all school activities. So we Stockbridge people packed up all of our bags and were ready to go in half an hour. Then, out of nowhere, the Woodland people needed to hitch a ride back with us. So we had to wait for a fucking HOUR for them to get their shit together. I was so angry. Then some of them expected to be let off before us. Pssh. Okay, sorry Kelsie, I know it's not your fault. But I can't help it, either.

So we got home and it was snowing, and I wanted to eat but my mom promised to get me some food. Yeah, it only took her two and a half hours. So I was cranky. And they kept asking, "What's wrong?" which made me even angrier. I just retreated to my room and busted out the iPod (by the way, I have GOT to get the iHome base thing. Those things are beastly awesome).

And then today I went to see Atonement (which I absolutely loved) and then ate at Olive Garden. So pretty good day. I'm going to do all of my work tomorrow, so that'll be good.

Interspersed with all of that is Chance being incredibly psychotic. I really don't know what they expect. They tell him that if someone else throws the first punch, it's okay for him to hit them back. So you know what he does? He PROVOKES the other person. It's not just accidental. He seriously goads them into hitting him so he can beat their ass. Crazyness, that's what it is. I'm worried about him, but at the same time, it's not fair. He beats up his best friend, and my mom does the dishes for him. After I did the dishes for HIM when he was sick. So he hasn't done the dishes in a long time. Which is definitely not the point in the strike.

Ugh, I have to register for the SAT soon. And my GHP interview is next week.

OH!! I forgot. The hotel we were staying at for the convention....Barack Obama was there! I didn't believe it at first, but when we got out of the first session, there were guys with earwhigs all OVER the place. And on the elevator, someone said, "I heard Barack Obama's at this hotel," and a guy with an earwhig kind of looked around (to assess the danger of the person, I think) and said, "You're wrong," and just went back to looking around the hotel from the elevator.

Heh. Exciting.

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