
"my homies"

We did end up hanging out, which was cool. Mostly all we did was go book hunting and watch television, and I had to work on the bookshelf a little bit, but I love my friends.

I'm already excited about our Potter Party! Gah, I wish we could have a billion of those. But that would take too much time, you're right.
"That's not all that's new this year."

But the bookshelf is finished, and I am amazed that we fit all of our movies on it. I gotta respect my parents, though. That shelf is made to hold 300 movies. It's 30 movies short of full.

Like, DAMN.

I've been pretty much dragging ass today. I think I might just go finish my book, then watch Shrek 3 (because Chance was sweet enough to rent it for me).

Peace, yo.

>>And a Happy Thanksgiving to you all<<


Kelsie said...


I got a 233 on the writing test... you win.

Oh, btw, what do you think?

hillary said...

But hey, that's awesome though! Congrats!

Kelsie said...
