
100 things revisited

I was looking through some old posts and thought, Man, I've only changed a little bit. So I'll just post about it. 100 things style.

  1. Empire Records is my favorite movie, simply for the line "Don't get your fingerprints on them, you're going to wreck them. That's why they call them records."
  2. I like E.E. Cummings because he confuses the hell out of me but it's all so sweet.
  3. I watch a kid's show called Hip Hop Harry in the mornings. And I wish I could join the Hip Hop Harry Dance Circle.
  4. I like to dance, even though I'm not good at it.
  5. I say I'm not good at a lot of things, even things that I'm decent at.
  6. I don't even know why I do that.
  7. I miss Kelsie horribly.
  8. I forgot Kirstie's middle name.
  9. I dreamt one night I *ahemed* with that one guy.
  10. When I was two or three, I was dancing on my parents' bed, and a lamp with no shade fell onto my arm.
  11. I can't feel anything where that burn mark still is.
  12. I have another burn mark from chemistry last year, and I'm very proud of it.
  13. I think I would miss my cyst if I ever got rid of it.
  14. My favorite book is NOT Gone With The Wind. I actually haven't read that book in years. My favorite book is Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot because it leaves a lot to the imagination.
  15. I always thought S. Morgenstern was real and I hated William Goldman for his stupid little additions (which, even now that I know the truth, are ridiculous. Way to ruin the suspense, there).
  16. I think I bombed my interview, but at the same time I'm hoping I didn't actually and by some miracle I make it to State.
  17. I've applied for 8 jobs. Haven't heard back from any of them.
  18. I look up Moulin Rouge songs on Youtube.
  19. In the fourth grade, on our way to Tybee Island, Kieya let me listen to her MP3 player with her, and we listened to the same song for about 2 hours. I didn't notice it until I said, "Is Advanced for Press some kind of rap group?"
  20. I really only like a few Pink Floyd songs. "Wish you Were Here" is my favorite.
  21. I love to write, but I can never think of anything good enough.
  22. I don't go back and reread anything I write until I'm forced to.
  23. I really like green, but since it was my mom's, friend's, and brother's favorite color, I said I liked red instead. But now it's my favorite color.
  24. I've thought I was dead three times in my life.
  25. I used to hurt myself.
  26. I got over it.
  27. I used to write bad poetry.
  28. I didn't get over it. But now I don't willfully write poetry, so there's a difference.
  29. I haven't drinken at all this year (excluding New Year's).
  30. Around St. Patrick's day, I went to my brother's apartment, and I would have gotten drunk if my dad hadn't made me promise not to drink beforehand.
  31. To this day, I have never tasted Rum. Nor do I ever desire to.
  32. I almost tried pot once, but chickened out.
  33. My dad thinks I sneak out of the house and have rabbit sex. I've never even held a guy's hand.
  34. I truly love my teachers, because all of them are looking out for me.
  35. I try not to lord it over anybody, but I love being number 2 in the class.
  36. I'll be crushed if I'm not valedictorian.
  37. I'll be crushed if I don't get into Brown or Duke. Or worse, if I get in but can't get a scholarship to go there.
  38. I haven't actually researched these colleges (or any college really).
  39. They sound good enough.
  40. I sing when I wash the dishes.
  41. When I'm really excited, I jump up and down and squeal and wave my hands around.
  42. I do that when I'm scared, too.
  43. And paranoid.
  44. Lately, I've either been really really angry or really really happy.
  45. I hate being that extreme, but I can't help it.
  46. I have a horrible way of dealing with anger.
  47. I sit in my room under a blanket and think about other things. Occasionally, I think back to what's making me angry. When whatever that is doesn't make me want to cry in anger, and I'm all numbed out, I can face whatever it is.
  48. I told the GHP interiewer that I hated the Golden Compass. I liked parts of it, though.
  49. I think I will fail at life because I live in this make believe world.
  50. It's stupid that even though I realize this, I'm not going to change it.
  51. Nothing truly horrible has ever happened to me (that I remember).
  52. Sometimes I dream about what it'd be like if I were paralyzed.
  53. Once I had a dream I was dead and talking to my aunt.
  54. I truly lament the fact that I only have two blood relatives outside of my nuclear family.
  55. I feel awkward telling my friends I love them, because they never say it to me.
  56. In the seventh grade, I went to kiss Kelsie and Chynna on the cheeks, and they got freaked out. Now I just don't bother with anything.
  57. I am sick to death of talking about Harry Potter.
  58. Especially since the ending of the seventh one was so incredibly cheesy.
  59. I got into an argument with someone because I'm areligious.
  60. Then I got into another argument with someone because I believe in God.
  61. Sometimes I feel like Chris D. doesn't even like me.
  62. I've only asked two guys out. They both said no.
  63. I once told my parents that I was going to Gracie's, and I went to the park and laid on the grass.
  64. I watched Striptease when I was 9 years old with Kirstie and Katie R.
  65. I would get to school at 7:30 even if I didn't have a zero period.
  66. I hate it that some of the people in Writer's Workshop can't write.
  67. I get embarrassed when I'm complimented and turn beet red.
  68. If I read the book first then watch the movie, I hate the movie.
  69. If I watch the movie first then read the book, I think that they're both good (or bad).
  70. I can't stand my glasses.
  71. Sometimes it creeps up on me that I'm probably going to go blind and I get panicked.
  72. I can drive at night, but it really hurts me eyes and I'm scared the entire time.
  73. I can't even read things unless I'm looking at them straight on.
  74. I begrudge everyone else their eyesight.
  75. I always paint my toenails and then forget to ever take them off.
  76. I have a girl crush on Liv Tyler.
  77. That once scene in Armegeddon where Ben Affleck proposes to her just melts my heart.
  78. I would love to be a writer, but I don't think it will happen, which make me sad that we don't live in a world where we can be who we want to be.
  79. I don't know if I'd be a good mother.
  80. I love little kids. I love anyone under 10. Then I get nervous when I'm around them.
  81. At the Trunk or Treat thing, I was in front of a moon bounce thing, and I had to help little kids take their shoes off. They were so adorable.
  82. Sometimes I think about just randomly being a waitress, because then maybe I'd get over my fear of talking to strangers.
  83. I haven't seen Granny in over a year.
  84. I feel guilty because I wish she would die and be out of her misery.
  85. She was the one who loved me, too.
  86. Singing saves me.
  87. My dad says I can't even sing that well.
  88. I know some people get jealous of me because of my grades, and I know they'd be shocked if I told them how I wish we could trade lives and I could not be so...me.
  89. I hated Laura's Halloween party, though getting to see Laura was cool.
  90. I think maybe I'll try to see her some other time.
  91. I feel blessed with my family, but I know we don't love eachother like we should.
  92. What I mean to say is, I know they don't feel blessed.
  93. I'm not supporting my mom's I haven't smoked campaign, because I know she's lying.
  94. I used to think it would make a difference if I did support her. It didn't.
  95. I was proud when the lady carded me at Blockbuster when I went to rent an R rated movie.
  96. I don't understand the phrase "You want to have your cake and eat it too." What's so wrong with having a cake and eating it? Better than wasting it.
  97. I used to hate pickles on anything. Now I ask for extra pickles (no onions).
  98. I love Papa Dan, even though I don't think he loves me.
  99. I think I'm the type of person who loves so much they can't function around people they don't love.
  100. I want to go to Italy, New York, Hawaii, France, Australia, and Montana: in that order.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

a long post means a lot of comments, you know...

9. what one guy :-P

15. Oh my gosh! yes! When i found that out (horrible!) I wanted to talk to you about and bad mouth that man, but I was afraid to ruin the book for you. EVIL!

24. I'm glad you're not!

29. That doesn't count. Everybody drinks on New Years (well, mostly)

33. Rabbit? Really? ew

48. I hated it too. It was too anti-God for me.

55. That doesn't mean it's not true though. Because I do love you. I'd say you're like a sister to me, but that could be construed as an insult.

56. I don't remember that

65. Me too. *Sigh*

87. LIAR!

91. You're not alone in that, though. A lot of families, unfortunately, are like that. Mine included.

96. I love cake!