

I really love having these weeks off. At first, I think I hated it. Now I have no idea why that would be. Probably because I've gotten used to the fact that after six weeks of fascist dictatorship (a.k.a. school), I can have one week all to myself. And I LOVE it. My grandmother said I only like the week off because it's my birthday, but that's not true, because I actually like having my birthday during school more, because somehow you get more stuff (and I am a selfish being, I freely admit).

So Sunday I went up to Peachtree City, where I shopped with my grandmother and ate delicious food until Wednesday (the greatest day ever). That day, she took me to a florist, because I had told her that I just wanted to go inside and smell the flowers. We walked in...no flower smell! I almost walked out, but my grandma went right up to the lady and said, "This is just the weirdest thing but my granddaughter wanted to smell your flowers," and the lady just took it in and then let me go to the back freezer. Now, I love the cold. And I love the smell of flowers. So when I walked into that freezer, it was like heaven. I walked around to the different flowers, smelling them all. It was really just, wonderful. Then we left, but not before my grandma had bought me the sweetest smelling rose I think I've ever gotten.

Then she took me home. That night, we went to La Hacienda, and they did shove a sombrero on my head, sing to me and Spanish, and give me free sopapilla. My parents wanted to make the most out of it, though, so they told them it was Chance's birthday too, which kinda sucked, since he had already, you know, HAD his own special little party. But whatever.

Then yesterday I went with Chris D. and Gracie to the mall to get heavenly Icees, then to see Superbad (because a. I heard it was hilarious and b. it was R-rated). I got lost about a million times, took several illegal turns, but I think we made it okay. Then I had to drop Chris off at a freaking dentist appointment (which I TOLD him he was going to be late for). Then I came home.

Now on the agenda: calling people to see if they're coming to my party (so I can buy the right amount of food), cleaning the house (I was going to clean the yard, but it's RAINING), calling my uncle, reading history, and vacuuming. It's pretty much going to be superLAME.

See what happens when I don't really post for a week?

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