

I have been having these horrible dreams lately. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I am afraid to go back to sleep. Not only that, but I've always been a little bit paranoid. I'll run through dark rooms (or won't walk through them at all), or I'll walk backwards out of a room. But these dreams make me afraid to even LEAVE my room. I think it might be the heat, because it has been exceptionally hot around here. Or maybe it's because I've had this sense of dread over me for a while, and it's starting to catch up.


I made up a word for my synthesis essay which I didn't realize I had made up. And it made me laugh...a lot. That, and the fact that I realized I used the word epidermis, and I kept saying in my head, "Your epidermis is showing," and I couldn't stop laughing. I think people mistook that for me being too proud. Which I guess I was. I've never thought my writing was any good, and I thought for sure I'd gotten a 3 or a 2. Imagine the overwhelming surprise I felt when I saw I got a 7! AND she called me the best in the class. It makes me a little sad, though, that this is what makes me happy. She's the teacher I had to ask not to call me Hill. It's not that I mind nicknames. I really don't. Come up with a different one, that's fine. But that one has a personal attachment to it, one that I don't take very lightly.

I have gone way off topic. And I slightly feel like I'm going to cry (though why, God knows). So, bye for now.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

#1- love the new blog title "yo soy you" que bueno!

#2- I'm sorry about your nightmares. I hope that they go away and that whatever dread you feel goes away too. You need your sleep! and sanity!

If you need me, I'm here, chica