
swimming with the

My fish is sick. Or dying. I don't know. He keeps swimming on his side, looking like he's floating. He doesn't seem able to right himself. When he does swim, only after I poke him and move him a bit, he swims every way BUT the right way. I'm really worried. Gracie suggested that it was a type of sickness or something, so I looked it up and the closest thing I found was a bladder infection thing. The treatment is to put the fish in saltwater, which I'm doing.

I don't know. I love Sir Dr. Funkyfish II. I do. I've been crying like, all day. I don't know why; I shouldn't get this emotional over a fish. But I am. I don't want him to die.

Of course, now I have Jagger. But it seems a little too coincidental. I can't help thinking that this is all my fault. I put him in a new tank with a new fish. I could have killed my baby.

But my mom made me get out of the house today, and we went to Chris's friend's business, Johnny's pizza. I think he offered me a job, but I don't know. We'll see about that.

I think I freaked Gracie out earlier. I'm going to call her.

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