
la fiesta de The Playhouse

I've never actually been to The Playhouse in Atlanta, but it was nice. Smelled funny, but it was nice.

We saw all kinds of Spanish dancing. I loved it! Especially since pretty much all the guys were really hot, in the way that only Spanish guys can be. But the dancing! Holy moly was that fantastic dancing. Sometimes I would just stare at their feet and I'd be like, WOW. It was very good. And I liked that I knew the songs when they sang (gracias, mi profesora!). Afterwards, we went to a Cuban/Carribbean restaurant called Papi's. It was okay. But since me and Kelsie realized that we'd probably be back before 5th period, just in time to take this test that neither of us had studied for, guess what we did. We studied. I think I did a good job cramming in some information, and I hope I helped Kelsie. You still have to read Chapter 33, by the way. Don't make me hit you.

And it was fantastic. I thought I had a chance of not taking this test still, so on the ride back, just kinda joking, I said, "We should go to Dairy Queen and get ice cream," and my teacher said, "Que buena idea." And we went. Of course, that was like a few minutes. And I was stuffed from my lunch, but I couldn't NOT get an ice cream since I was the one who suggested it. Some people just had to ruin that, but I won't get into it.

So we got to school and took the test, and it was a pretty good day. A good thing to distract me from other things.

Okay. Going to read A Tale of Two Cities (que aburrido!). Buenos noches.

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