

So this morning I woke up and immediately checked on him. There was no denying it. He was dead. So I went outside under the magnolia tree. Since we don't have any like, garden tools or anything, I used a really sharp spatula to dig him a hole. I wrapped his body up, put him in the ground, and covered him up with dirt. I made a tombstone by writing on a brick. This is what I said over his grave:

"I'm so, so sorry. I loved you more than anything else in the world. You were the only one I could tell everything to. You cheered me up when I was really sad. You made everything better, somehow, because I knew you loved me. You were so quirky, but I loved you. I'm so sorry. So, so, sorry. I shouldn't have put you in that new tank and then given you a new fish. I should have let you adjust to one. Now I don't know what killed you. I'll miss you Sir Dr. Funkyfish II. May God protect your soul, now."

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