

Everytime I've wanted to post something where I actually talk about an issue, somebody else is on the computer, and I can never remember what I was going to say when I was thinking earlier when I get back on.

I went to the doctor Tuesday, who said that no, I'm not diabetic, not even close, but I do need something. He put my on Yaz (birth control). I don't think my dad was very happy (probably because I was making some very inappropriate jokes), but if it helps, then I'm all for them.

Ever since I put my PSAT score online, colleges keep emailing me. I'm going to take this as a good sign. I'm pretty happy about it, because now I can look at all of these colleges, and I'm starting to get an idea of where I would go if I actually CAN go. I think I've said this before: I'm NOT going to college unless I get a scholarship. There's no way I can. If I want to focus on my work, I can't be worried about balancing a job along with it. And I know there are plenty of people who do it. But I just don't think that I can be one of them. I don't even realize my stress level, for goodness sakes. Last night, I dreamed I was stressed, that I could barely walk straight because I was under so much literal pressure, and I woke up and realized how incredibly under I feel.

Argh. I hate dreams that make you realize something about your life. Stupid subconscience.


Jen said...

But when you get Student Loans, you don't have to start payments until AFTER you are done with school!
But hey, I'm all for the scholarship idea!! You seem on target!

Simone said...

I was going to say the same thing as Jen! If no scholarship then student loans are definitely the way to go. You're too brilliant not to go!

C.K. said...

Yeah, I had a really weird dream, but I still can't find a way to apply it to really life.

I had a dream that sam keep asked me if i'd go out with him, but i was being evasive, and then... i don't remember, but still.

How does this apply to real life?