
the beach boys (and my day)

I am starting to fall in love with the Beach Boys. I've got to be honest: I used to not like them. But I never actually listened to them, you know? All I've heard are songs like Kokomo and You're so Beautiful and God Only Knows, and I thought they were just overrated surfer rock. The rest of the songs I've heard that are everywhere, I just ignored pretty much. But I decided to give them a try, and there's just something about them. I'm lovin' it. It gets me pumped. Pretty awesome guitar solos. Oooh. It makes me want to break into spontaneous sixties dancing.

Actually, the post is only about that. Nothing much else to post about, except for the fact that I still have about 100 pages left in my book and I shouldn't be sitting here, wasting my time listening to the Beach Boys.

Ach ach ach....

1 comment:

Simone said...

I don't love them much either but I must admit Pet Sounds is pretty darn good. For a Beach Boys album.