
why is the chicken missing a wing? "i bet the buffalo stole it..."

i made bbq tonight. a lot better than last time. used more beer and less sauce, making it a lot lighter. i really don't know what else to post about.

my eye is getting better. i can semi-see through it now. i still don't understand the geometry enough to remember anything. i have to look at it for a minute before i understand it again. and i'm still having nightmares about it, so i don't know.

i need some new music. i'm wanting to listen to some soundtracks, but i haven't been able to find any good ones. usually soundtracks are the cheapest, and normally have at least some good music on it. hopefully, i'll find something.

i think i ticked off kelsie's dad. i just don't know when to shut my mouth, i swear. maybe i'll learn one day.

i hate james patterson. he's a whore who can't write. that's right. i said it.

chuck norris has counted to infinity. twice.


Simone said...

how did u scratch ur eye? i hope u didn't scratch ur cornea. that=bad

hillary said...

i did scratch my cornea. and it hurt. i was taking out my contact lens, and i guess i got a little excited with it....