
"looks like somebody's having a case of the mondays..."

the paper thing turned out fine. gracie printed it out for me, God bless her. today's just been a bad day. the first half i was bored, and the second half i was contemplative. i was fairly quiet for both, though. i was scared out of my mind in biology, but i don't feel the need to post that entire story here. i was angered in geography, and again in english. spanish just passed by. i stared at the wall in geometry. i just don't know. today got me thinking. i'm the only one that can't seem to let what happened go, and i have no clue why. maybe its because i was so close. but so was lee. and it's not like he was talking to me. but you know what? that's talking about it. so i'ma stop that now.

well, at least science fair is almost completely done. all i have to do is present it.

school is killing me, i swanny to gah.

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