
oh, you said play your game boy. i thought you said...something else.

foolish me. i thought the day was going good. i got to draw all of 4th period instead of taking a test, read in 3rd period, threw paper airplanes in 2nd period, and talked about food in 1st. boy, was i wrong.

lunch made me mad. i don't know how, but it did. maybe it had something to do with the fact that i realized that i'm not going to county. that right there ticks me off. i worked on my project for over a month, every day, touching disgusting, feces-ridden algae. other people did their project in a day and get to go to county. ugh.

then there was a fire drill. now, correct me if i'm wrong, but if there is a fire, would you really mind if half of the student population was set afire? that half that nobody really needs, maybe? you couldn't pay someone enough to do a job like that, so why do we have to practice AVOIDING fire? ok, so maybe fire drills might have their advantages. like, me not dying. and maybe i'm pissed off. but you know what? it's true.

i get home, try to relax because i'm about to kill someone, i swear. my mom, who has been sick for a week, calls me down. "there are no more spoons, hillary." let me mention that i am the dishwasher in the family. "so?" is my, i believe just, reply. "you better wash me a spoon so i can eat."

hmm. let's think about this. time it takes to wash spoon? 10 seconds. time it takes to argue with daughter that you're sick and are therefore unable to run a spoon through hot water and poor a little soap on? ten minutes. i wasn't about to give that up. then i started thinking about how everyone was in the room with her except for me. how hard would it have been for someone to get up and wash a spoon? seriously.

i'm gonna go and do homework. because even though i'm taking an honors class and doing obscene amounts of homework every weekend, they don't want us to have any more advantages than "normal" kids. so they've decided to take away those 5-10 little extra brownie points we get, because "it's just not fair to the kids not in honors classes." yeah. ok. you keep telling me that. i'll just get the fire extinguisher for your pants. or maybe all those fire drills we've had can help you out.

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