
i shot my eye out!

so on the way to school, the joemobile is perfect. it only take five minutes to warm up, doesn't stall once, and certainly doesn't stop once. it is the car i always knew it could be.

when leaving the school, we notice a grinding sound coming from the engine that we have never heard before. we don't think much of it, and just keep riding on.

we decide to take a different route home, probably an omen of what was to come. as we go to turn onto the "highway," going right out into the intersection, the joemobile collapses like an old man running a marathon. luckily, we're not actually in the traffic. unluckily, there is a big SUV right behind us who saw us heading out, but didn't realize until it was too late that we had stopped. so suddenly, we feel the biggest hit ever (well, maybe i'm exaggerating), and see that big SUV has hit us. the only pain i felt was the seat belt jamming into my throat. turns out, a teacher hit us. but the funny thing is, there was only a little dent in the joemobile, when there should have been a lot more damage.

the kind of scary thing is, that a little while ago, my lower back and my lower left arm started hurting. i'm going to wait a little while before i tell mom, though. i have been known to imagine my ailings....


Simone said...

Hm, I'm assuming you got their license and info and all that? You really should get it checked out. Whiplash can be no joke. Some people have back injuries for years after what they thought was a 'minor' accident.

If it is something bad you could sue and be a wealthy retiree at 16!

hillary said...

i'm fine. must have been something else. and besides, i know where he works...