
much more theology...WHAT FUN!!!

so one night i was talking to jw about what Jehovah's Witness' believe in. we talked. he offered some books. this was about a week ago. i started reading one today. in the middle of my reading, it occured to me, this thought that i dont know what to do with: what if this is all bull? i mean, i know that there has to be a reason that we're all here. but Jeh. Wit. can't anwer that without referring to God. they can answer everything else but that. they believe only 144,000 people will go to heaven. they have an answer for that. it just got to me. why are there so many religions ? they can't all be right. you'd think that God would have made his plan more definitive. I know this sounds pessimistic and whiny. i know other people are going through other things and need a God to rely on. but i want to know how it all fits. i just...i dont know. it just seems ridiculous. i want to understand so i can feel like im loved, i guess, which i know sounds weird, but that's how i feel.

anyway. you know, today was st. patrick's day. i love this day. it's the best day of the year. kelsie keeps asking me why. well, here's part of the answer: it's a day for fun. its not a day about how many presents you get or how cool they are. it's not a day about yourself. it's a day about laughing and drinking and playing and pinching.

plus, i've always wanted to go to ireland. i lso want to go to italy and learn italian and be there forever. but i doubt that will happen. unless i become a pilot. that'd be cool. seeing the world. making a decent living. really, i think it's be awesome....

so now we know that hillary's career choice of the week is to be an airplane pilot. YAY!

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