
all work and no play make jack a very dull boy.

i love that phrase. i dont even know why. i just do.

anyway, enough about phrases. lets talk about gracie's party. AWESOME. i brought a weird little giant straw/tube thing and kept wacking kelsie and gracie with it, or putting one end next to their ears and speaking into the other end. twas great. it seems like all we did was watch movies and laugh. i forgot it was even gracie's party. it seemed like a fun night with my friends. minor boy talk, lots of laughs, weird hats, and abuse. i stayed up all night (i kid you not, i had to beg kelsie to bet me to stay up all night. i bargained it down to this: if i won, she gave me a mint, and if she won, i bought her an ice cream) needless to say, i won. but she won't give me a mint, because she didn't "witness" it. witness my patootie. i stayed up all night for nothing. meaning i've been up now for lets see... 31 hours . not straight, seeing how i did doze off for a couple of minutes, but still. that's a long long long time. and when we went to wake up gracie, she almost killed us. we jumped around in her bed and got under her covers until she finally got out of the bed. then when she was in the living room, we attacked her. but never you mind about that.

i forgot to mention her cat. even though i'm allergic, the cat didn't bother me as much as it could have. at least i could breathe and my eyes weren't dry, which i always consider a plus. my nose wouldn't stop running though, so i constantly had a paper towel in my hand. but back to the cat. i swear to you, jessica (the cat) is magical. i mean, i know all cats are evil. satanic creatures, really. but this one.... jessica kept being put away in rooms, and she kept getting out. she would open the doors. very freaky.

thursday was our last academic meet, where we won nothing and had to listen to various people on the bus sing horrible songs, some about spam and one about particle man. i laughed my head off mostd of the time. im relieved that that's over, but i'm also sad too. but more on that later.

i spent 45 minutes of my life last night blowing up an air mattress that didn't work. i was literally pumping the mattress while watching austin powers (which for some reason, kelsie doesn't like). then, when i was sick of it, i took the pump out, closed the mattress, and rolled around on the mattress. it felt weird, like i was in clouds but on the ground. i didnt sleep on it though (because i didnt sleep). anyway, im guessing that you're tired of my long posts (which i'm sure you thought you were rid of by now) so i will say, adios.

bana. bananana DARN!

1 comment:

C.K. said...


And gracie's party *was* awesome... I have to go post about it now!