

All this last week I was counting down days until school was out.
I was counting down the days until we graduate (270).
I was counting down days until Christmas (3).
I was counting down days until the Potter Party (6).

All of these countdowns are making me pretty happy.

Ha, I got a 76 on Trig and it brought my grade down 5 points. Lame.

Last night, Gracie's dad took us to see Sweeney Todd (with Kelsie, of course).
I don't know what to make of it. It wasn't scary, per se. Disturbing, but not scary. I don't imagine that anyone around these parts are going to go off the deep end and start slitting people's throats to make them into meat pies. I did like that I knew that one song (kudos to you, Jersey Girl/Kevin Smith, you god you). I guess I liked it, overall. It's just not the kind of movie that you need to see more than once.

Yay! School's OUT for Christmas!

1 comment:

Kelsie said...

Ha, I like your quote :)

And the movie was just weird. If it contributed at all to my nightmare last night, then I never want to see it again.

But if not, it was funny; but not enough to cancel out the weird/gross/disturbing parts, so I still probably wouldn't want to see it again.

I'm glad I could go with y'all and hang out for a few hours, though =)

And that one guy was cute. =)