
but oh oh those summer nights

Winter is back with a vengeance. My feet are like ice. !

Joey had his bonfire last night. /Played Halo directly underneath my bedroom, so I couldn't get to sleep. Except for the fact that I fell asleep at like, 10. Whatchever.

I'm loving having a cell phone. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

One more week of school and then we're OUT. Ha, I love it. 275 school days left until I've graduated. Hell yes.

I think I'm going to research some tattoos. I've been experimenting with different designs, and I'm wondering how they'll be costwise. I'm going to try to convince my gma to pay for it on my birthday. How kickass would that be?

I finally feel like I'm not a loser friend wise, so that's nice. Love wise is still not so great, but who cares? Well, I care, but does it matter at the moment?

I actually feel a little bit like doing some homework..and it's not 8 on Sunday night! Astounding.

Finals are a bitch, though. AP Multiple Choice exams suck. As does all of Chemistry. But I'm going to do the extra credit stuff, and maybe my grade will stay afloat even AFTER the final. Maybe. And trig...well, we'll see when we get there. Public Safety and Spanish should be breezes though, and I only have to study a little bit for APUSH. Nice.

Rambling's fun. I want to see Atonement, dammit! And the Golden Compass. AH!

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