
con. fi. dance.

The other day, I completely lost all confidence in my writing. All of it.
I wrote a short story. I felt pretty good about it. Gave it to my teacher. She wants to enter it into competitions. I let my dad read it. He thought it was crap. Joey read it. He thought is was crap. Chance read it. He didn't understand it.
So now I'm second guessing myself. Is that the right word? Should I really use that rhyme scheme? Not that I'm very good at writing poetry in the first place, but I'm looking at all of my writing with a much more critical eye.
The thing is, I've never thought I was a good writer. Ever. I feel like my writing is amature, and it never goes anywhere because people don't give you honest, helpful feedback. Whenever anybody tells me I've written something good, I don't actually believe them. I guess I've always expected someone to come along and tell me to give it up, I can never be a writer, quit trying. And I think that that's pretty much what these people just did.
And this is just...how I feel.


Simone said...

You really do have a writing style that I enjoy reading. And I'm not just saying that.

I wanna read this poem!

hillary said...

It's not the poem they said they didn't like. I was trying to write a poem after they mutilated my short story, which I can email to you if you'd like.

C.K. said...

I haven't finished the s.s. yet, but it's pretty cool so far. really interesting.

but, seriously, you are a WAY better writer than I am.