
ray bradbury is on fire! oh the irony!

i liked that book. a little strange, but it piqued my interests. murder. mechanical dogs with venom. "seashells" way before their time. big screen TV with 2 minute programs. fire. fire. and, oh yeah, fire. and don't forget burned out hippies. oh yes, plenty of those. except they were fighting for the "greater good" that is education.

the only thing i hate about this book is that there will be a test over it. why does school have to ruin good books like this? let me give you some examples of perfectly good books that the school system ran over with an 18-wheeler:

  • Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring--J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Call of the Wild--Jack London
  • Cold Sassy Tree--Olive Ann Burns
  • Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry--Mildred D. Taylor
and who can forget the all time classic, Anne Frank's Diary? oh yes. they mutilated that, and I'm sure they horrifed various other prestigious authors with their chapter summaries and vocabulary quizzes. I hear next year they're butchering The Lord of the Flies and Caeser. can't wait.

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