

are not nearly as difficult as teachers make them out to be. i know i've aced all of them so far. at least, i believe so. unless i did something wrong on pe final, but i don't think i did. but that doesn't count, anyway. what counts is that i know i've aced english, geography, and geometry. those were so easy. and from what i hear, bio is really easy. the only one i'm actually concerned about is spanish....

so we'll wait and see tomorrow.

on another (and much more petty) front...our "neighbors" have bought themselves a brand new, 2006, gas guzzling SUV. and yet, they can't move out until august of next year. wtf?


C.K. said...

can you say moochers?

and not to be mean, but your parents are a little stupid too

Simone said...

that's insane. How are they going to make the payments if they 'have no money'. I smell conspiracy.