
isn't he just the cutest thing?

joey is so adorable when he's asleep. i swanny, it's just so dern cute! even if he does have tissues taped to his nose, tissues stained with blood and mucus. i wish i could take a picture and share it with you all, but since i have no digital camera, that cannot be. that would be a good birthday present, come to mention it. even though my birthday's not for another year...but still.

joey's nose is bloody because today was the surgery. he's been having these wicked bad headaches for about a year now, and every time he's gone to the doctor, they've said his head was just super mucusy. so they gave him anitibiotics and sent him on his way. well, the problem never went away, so they did a head CT and found a huge mass of this stuff just sitting in his head (the precise location has eluded me). so today he had surgery to clear it all out.

i feel so bad for him, though. he's going to have to make up finals during winter break monday. that's horrible. and, you know, they whole coughing up blood and nosebleed thing isn't fun, either....


C.K. said...

hope your brother feels better soon

you didn't miss much at the exam jam, except a standiford/wray bashing by gracy

hillary said...

that doesn't much surprise me, actually. but i'm glad i didn't miss any bloodshed. i'm especially glad i didn't miss a wray/standiford overhearing of the gracy wray/standiford bashing. that would have been just too much....:-)