

Friday: Standiford's. Fun. Sad. Tawnya=gone. :(
Saturday: Swimming. Mexican food. 'Nuff said.
Sunday: Went to PC, ate Partner's, had a wicked bad headache. And some kid pooped in the pool.
Today: Watched LoTR. Attempted to begin summer reading project. Opted to start the easier portion. Too hard. Quit after reading first two paragraphs. Then continued movie watching with LoTR II. Had to stop that because of the tremendous storm, so here I am, updating because I was thinking about my week and didn't want to forget it later.
Tomorrow: GLASSES! I'm excited. I'm finally getting a darker frame. Don't get me wrong, I love the glasses I have now. They help me see. But...they're kinda...butt ugly. Silver? I soo did not pick out silver. I picked out black in the store, and then my dad picked up another frame that I didn't see and told the guy that those would work. And they're just...so bright. No me gusta.

Yep yep. Storm's almost completely over, so back to the magical world of Frodo.


C.K. said...

so you couldn't watch TV, but you could get on the computer during a storm?


it's the opposite in my house

C.K. said...

you know it took me about 10 tries to post that comment?

yeah, it kept rejecting my p/w or username or something or the word verification.


but i still love you, just not the commenter thingy on ur blog

hillary said...

the two parts of the house have different power source thingies because the part with the computer is an add-on.

yeah, pw/username confirmation confusion sucks. sorry.

and i still love you too, even though you dislike my commentor thingy.