

Been listening to 50s music. Paul Anka, Dion and the Belmonts, Richie Valens. All good. Wonderful.

I have to write a diary this summer in Spanish describing my week. So this is what I'm putting (in English, so I can clear my thoughts):

Watched Cruel Intentions 2
Read Pride and Prejudice, watched the movie, and compared them in my head.
Went to the Student Council meeting, where we discussed such interesting things as t-shirt designs, pep rallies, hallways decoration themes, and a car wash in the middle of a drought.
Researched (i.e., looked up on Wikipedia) Horror movie icons, such as Freddy Kreuger, Jason Vorhees, and Michael Mayers. Still didn't understand their stories.
Washed a lot of dishes.
Looked for a bathing suit (and failed).
Saw Spiderman 3 with Chance and my Dad.
Went to the doctor and got more birth control pills.
Sweated. A lot.
Did a lot of crossword puzzles.
Watched the Top Chef "All Stars" special and fell in love with the show all over again.
Watched "Army Wives" and fell in love.
Cleaned through my room and all my old notes.
Volunteered at the school with Kelsie, Gracie, and Mitchell.
Read two Meg Cabot books (Size 14 is Not Fat Either and Pants on Fire)
Went to Kelsie's house and talked about our movie, played with her siblings, and almost beat Kelsie at Harry Potter trivia.
Went to apply for four different jobs, but apparently nobody is hiring.

I'm not sure what else I did. But I'm sure I'll put it in my Spanish diary. Expect more of these.

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