
we were in justin's basement....

top ten little known facts about high school:

  • freshmen are actually amongst those most revered and are never picked on/made fun of/ 'freshmeated' ( a process that involves raw sewage and carrots)/wedgied/noogied/or thrown off of water towers.
  • the morning announcements begin with a special rendition of an 80s pop song. today was "video killed the radio star." yesterday was "girls just wanna have fun." tomorrow will be "like a virgin."
  • flava flav has visited every high school in america, and at each one, he opens a bottle of champagne and pours it on the ground. he invented the teenage alcoholic.
  • play-doh keeps the ceilings together.
  • Stockbridge High School was where the dodo bird became extinct.
  • all high school teachers aren't really teachers. they're really federal agents trying to find the next ray bradbury. when they find him, they will puth im through endless hours of watching clueless and married...with children.
  • people frequently go around the hallways saying," Heyyyy," accompanied with thumbs-up sign and smile.
  • only three people in the school understand what is meant by portables. the other 2,000 students think we're learning in movable toilets.
  • tom cruise once went to high school. people were constantly spraying him in the face with toy cameras. it seems that he still hasn't learned how to stay away from them.
and finally, the last thing you didn't know about high school:
  • we don't "dissect" frogs. we rip the flesh off their bones with our teeth and molest their innards with our eyes.
bet ya didn't know that.

1 comment:

C.K. said...

omg, i keep thinking about portapotties when he was saying that!