
no more

I decided that I'm going to carry around a notebook. I'm thinking that I should start examining what goes on around me. Or in my free time, I should focus on writing as opposed to reading. I wrote down a few of my ideas and some of my lame haikus.

Plus, also, I think it's living a bit dangerously. I mean, here I am with this notebook that anybody could pick up and read, anybody could just know what I'm thinking about.

I guess it's not that different from this, really. I suspect that my family reads this, though they've never actually mentioned it to me. But who knows? I'm still going to say what I need to say. It's like when you were a little kid and you'd open your eyes during prayer, and some other kid would tell on you. But they saw you, which means that their eyes were open, too. The point being that telling would tell on yourself.

So there's that.

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