
and pyro means....

my mom had to bring the candles out yesterday since the power kept going off. i took the opporitunity to show off my fire skills. oh, you didn't know that i was a rabid pyromaniac? well, we all have our hobbies. mine just involves fire. anyway, my skills include holding a flame, and that's about it. but today i made a mistake and held one that had too long left and burnt my hand. it's only a little blister, but still. the smallest things hurt.

anyway, it's been freezing down here. i love the cold. i love snow. i cant stand summer heat. i wish i could move to maine or someplace like that, just so i wouldn't have to deal with such hot summers. i'll go to alaska. that solves everything...

i have decided that i will buy underground stuff. i am listening to the weirdest mix i have ever heard. it's "whatever you say i am" mixed with "lose my mind", and some other song i dont remember. from now on, it's only underground music, or no music. except that's not true. i'm just typing the random stuff now.

oh, that's right. who's got the best email address in the world? that'd be me. you can contact me at iloverichardmnixon@yahoo.com. that's right, you can. i dont know why you would, seeing how i am but a lowly girl on the internet with an obsession with a dead president, but that is beside the point.

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