
the man

we went out to eat tonight. when we were almost finished and i was chewing on my ice, my dad saw a man walking in a tie dye shirt. he looked like any other walking man, so i thought nothing of it.

turns out this man has been walking from our town to forrest park since before i was born. his entire family died in a car accident, and all he ever does is go walking.

it sounds too dramatic to be true, but you never know. it makes me wonder what i would do if everybody i loved died. would i walk the world? or would i put on a face and act my way around it?

mom and dad fought tonight. my dad rarely ever yells. i was scared.

would i walk the world?

1 comment:

Simone said...

Wow-that's really sad. But such a great story. I will never forget the walking man. I wonder if he walks because he can't bare to get into a car since the accident. So sad.