
this hand washes that one too


Okay, so it's been a while. In my defense, I've been busy. With college. Bleh.

I've gotta say, I'm still not exactly fond of this place. I'm not scared anymore, ha. Just incredibly frustrated I guess. Trying to branch out and do things, meet people, but....it's really annoying. The people here are just not overall receptive of what I have to say. Oh well.

That's pretty much it. I'm failing physics (because, well, it's physics and who understands that?), I have my first philosophy exam later (woot), and then in a few hours it looks like I'm headed home for my birthday weekend.
The last time I went home it was a little weird. Then I came back here, of course, and hated it all over again. I'm just a wishy washy type of girl, I guess.

Oh well. I turn 19 tomorrow. Doesn't really seem like that big of a difference, but gotta go somewhere.

Oy goodness. I think it'll be allright. Keep on keeping on.


Simone said...

Hang in there. 19? What? I remember when you turned 16...or...did you :-P

I'm sure it'll keep getting better and things will fall into place.

Happy early Birthday-I may not get a chance to go online tomorrow.

hillary said...

Ha, yeah. Oh, the foolishness of youth.

I feel like it is getting better. At the same time, there seems to be some stuff at home that I'm not here for that keeps piling up, so it's not exactly helping matters.

But thank you! So far it's been great...totally getting all of my laundry done at 2 in the morning, ha!