

If I'm salutatorian, my speech will most definitely include knock-knock jokes, Richard Nixon, and E.E. Cummings. I've just decided that.

I'm waiting for the end of the month. I would like very much to go to GHP or to know that I'm not going, that I actually am a failure. I would like ver much to know what I made on the SAT. I would like very much for prom fair to be over. I would like very much for the pep rally to be done. I would like very much for the GHSGT to be past.

I would like that very much, indeed.


Kelsie said...

quick question: what does that have to do with cathedrals?

and otherwise: you wouldn't be a failure if you didn't make ghp, you made it farther than any of my other close friends, and farther than I. so don't think of it that way. especially since you'd be indirectly called me a failure =P (to which I would have to reply: so's your face)

and i'm sorry about the other lame stuff. keep your chin up! it's almost june!

Kelsie said...

i forgot to comment on that first paragraph: nice! :)