
here it goes again

So I'll start off by my usual amount of bellyaching and depressing thoughts. I just don't want to be here. I feel this...weight on my chest, like a kind of physical grief. And the worst thing is, I don't understand why exactly. I put most of it on the fact that I miss my family terribly, I miss the way of life I've established for the first 18 years of my life. I'm thrown here with no friends, and I'm a terribly shy person. I don't know. I've got a weekend looming ahead and I'm not particularly looking forward to it as I have nothing to do really. When I'm in class, I'm fine, but outside of class....bleh. And there also happen to be these people downstairs from us that play their music ridiculously loud. And even when they aren't playing it, I'm afraid that they will, which makes me panic. I can't seem to relax when I'm here, I suppose. And it's driving me nuts. I have huge under eye circles and can't sleep. I don't know what to do.

Okay, on to the good news. New Years' was awesome. I spent the night at Sarah's, hung around with some decent people, and got to hang out with Kelsie all night. Then we had a repeat New Years' the following Saturday, which was even better. There was also a family reunion deal thing, with a bunch of people that I think are funny as opposed to the relatives that I can't stand, so that was nice. And tons of Partner's Pizza. Good stuff.

Think positive.